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Investment Management

Eclipse Loan Management System

Eclipse Computing, Inc.

Eclipse Loan Management System is for organizations that manage largevolumes of periodic term payables and receivables loans. Because eachorganization's reporting needs are different, ELMS lets users easilydesign reports tailored to specified needs.Sample Reports include: Interest Accrued, Cash Flow, Credit Utilization,Loan Detail, Historic, Maturity, and Payment Forecast.When funds are received/paid out, ELMS adjusts and posts loan schedules,fees, and more. ELMS allows evaluation of exposure and profit/loss oneach contract and groups of contracts. Loans and payments can bedenominated in different currencies, and can be revalued according tomarket rates. Accounting transactions can be posted directly into athird-party accounting system.

Language: COBOL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Eclipse Computing, Inc.
575 5th Ave
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 808-9292
Fax: (212) 808-9366